Technical Standard

Innovation = Creativity x Know-how x Perseverance

Since 2009, stancon – A Passion for Innovation, has successfully designed and developed innovative industrial, infrastructure and data management solutions on a national and international basis. The products and methods developed and designed with employees and colleagues have always distinguished themselves through high practical applicability, thus providing a basis for economic success.

Phote of Dr. Heinz Stanek CEO DI Dr. Heinz Stanek,

The focus of successful business models and developments in a wide range of different sectors has for many years been on management and interlinking technological innovation – e.g. sensor technology – with informatics/electronic data processing programmes and corresponding workflows, currently referred to as “Industry 4.0” and “Digital Revolution.” I have always responded in the best possible way to the specific customer requirements, thus achieving a high market share, not least on the basis of linking technological, economic, scientific and international knowledge and experience. Strategic planning, quality management, cooperation and leadership of quite a variety of employees and partners - also in an international context – have, of course, been imperative in this regard.

Selected References


UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)/Drones

UAV/drones are being applied with increasing frequency both in leisure and in a number of service sectors in our daily lives. Thus, low-cost unmanned aerial multi-sensor systems for rapid and high-resolution detection of multi-dimensional data need to be developed. Among other uses, they allow depicting dynamic processes of change. A special focus in this regard is quality inspection and assessment of position and orientation parameters of the UAV.

UAV (unmanned aerial vehicle)/DroneDrone with multi-sensor system

In civilian fields, too, drones are increasingly used for more efficient and safe working areas. The operation of this special form of aircraft demands, of course, adapted work flows and solutions both of interest to enterprises and universities.

Railway Systems

The operation and necessary safety-technology checks and inspections of the infrastructural facilities of railway systems demand near-term, exact and comprehensive and complete comprehension of large-scale infrastructure projects.

Testfahrt der mobilen sensorgestützte PlattformTest run of the mobile, sensorbased platform

stancon thus designed an efficient non-contact surveying system – installed on the rail vehicle. As opposed to the current manual measurement, the non-contact measurement system provides rapid and safe checking, control and measurement of infrastructural objects required without a need for blocking the railway tracks – to the advantage of travellers and employees. This system thus provides large-scale, prompt, exact and consistent coordinates, which may consequently be used for various technical fields of the business as well as in the GIS area.

Test runsTest runs

Test runs have already been completed. In addition, increasing cross-linking and the concomitant degree of complexity increasingly open up interesting fields of application. In the course of this process, previously unrelated aspects such as new sensor technologies, interconnection of data flows, complex options of evaluation and analysis as well as quality inspection procedures, are increasingly converging. It is particularly the mutual effects thus generated that demand a profound understanding in order to guarantee the success of a project. For this purpose, we cooperate with partners from business and universities.

More: Media - Downloads | Lectures

Municipal Infrastructure


New technologies allow for rapid, detailed and three-dimensional detection and recording of various different fields of municipal infrastructure. Steadily expanding municipalities and cities are faced with constantly growing tasks regarding their citizens. It is thus paramount for those responsible to cope with these tasks to receive sufficient and interlinked information to have at their disposal a broad basis for decision-making concerning the evaluation required.


Measurement dataMeasurement data

Industries and plant engineering are increasingly faced with tasks to meet growing safety and security demands, flexibility, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness – even under highly specific conditions.

stancon’s successful innovative non-touch control and measurement methods – even for recognition of smallest units or under great heat impact – demand custom-made camera solutions and sensors, adequate processing chains and special work flows.

These project developments are being worked out jointly with partners from both business and universities.

More: Media - Downloads | Lectures

Technical Systems

Mobile control & MeasureplattformsMobile control & Measureplattforms

The development and construction of innovative technical equipment for the competitive advantage of the business models has been a special USP in a wide range of different sectors since many years.

The focus of successful business models and developments in a wide range of different sectors has for many years been on management and interlinking technological innovation – e.g. sensor technology – with informatics/electronic data processing programmes and corresponding workflows, currently referred to as “Industry 4.0” and “Digital Revolution.”


Streetsign Downing Street - LondonLondon - Downing Street
© nikoretro CC BY-SA

The objective is always to provide a basis for the selection and application of positioning methods, taking into account geodesic, geometrical and information management processes with a special focus on the requirements of various different sectors, as well as to develop a respective handbook for practical use. Establishing a uniform methodological basis of universal application for all spatial assignment tasks is of undisputed use and advantage in terms of safety and security, quality and cost-effectiveness. This basis must, however, meet all relevant requirements of the areas concerned and be made available for practical application.

Big Data / Algorithm

For many years the management of big data volumes and the development of special algorithms has been a focus of the business models – so called “Big Data”. It always has been – until now - the development of project-specific EDP-solutions to create an efficient USP for customers.

The focus of successful business models and developments in a wide range of different sectors also has been for many years on management and interlinking technological innovation – e.g. sensor technology – with informatics/electronic data processing programmes and corresponding workflows, currently referred to as “Industry 4.0” and “Digital Revolution.”

Laserscanning - 3D Models

Laser scanning: Airborne laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning: At times, up to 80% of the Austrian market was covered by early and leading developments of particularly innovative and customer-friendly solutions by Dr. Stanek.

3 D–systems: early recognition of the possibilities in this area and the business opportunities thus entailed. The different business models and special developments were successful in this sector.

Einrichtung der mobilen Plattformen

Installation of complex systems

Projects Abroad

Abu Dhabi

Within the scope of Abu Dhabi Activities, both intense technical as well as legal and economic know-how was demanded in English in an international setting, giving regard to intercultural management and the cultural particularities of the respective region. At the same time, Dr. Heinz Stanek gained great insight into a modern (Arab) administrative system, as his activities were fully integrated into the Municipality. A long-standing Austrian tradition – property and land management – was successfully continued with the Abu Dhabi Project. Abu Dhabi is thus well-equipped to meet further and future strategic challenges.

Abu Dhabi – invited talks Abu Dhabi – invited talks

Abu Dhabi
„Management of Innovation based on Fairytales, Visions and Realization“

Abu Dhabi: Projekte - Technische Entwicklungen Abu Dhabi meets Austria

U.S.A. and Canada

Dr. Heinz Stanek: International Projects - Vancouver - Kanada

The Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) is a not for profit organisation founded under the name of Open GIS Consortium committed to establishing space-related information processing (in particular geo-data) on the basis of general standards for the purpose of interoperability. OGC consists of members of government organisations, private industries and universities. Membership is subject to a charge. OGC has been a member of the World Wide Web Consortiums since 2007. The registered trademark is OpenGIS.

Dr. Heinz Stanek: Projekte in  Los Angeles  - USA

European Union

EU FlagEU Flag

The objective of these EU projects was to foster cooperation and exchange of ideas in the fields of surveying and land registry/cadastral surveying among the European states as well as exploring options of increased cooperation. Within the scope of the this EU project, Dr. Stanek cooperated with the English authorities – Ordinance Survey - as well as with Italian and Spanish authorities - Expert Project Team PT 28705 - Data Quality subject for Data Quality in GIS (CEN 287), OGC (Venice, Madrid, Southampton).

University Activities

Carinthia University of Applied Sciences

In the course of the broader establishment of Universities of Applied Sciences, Dr. Stanek was appointed to the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences, where he lectures on geo-information and spatial information management, also in English (Master studies).

  • Geo-data sources and data quality/GIS
  • Sensor systems
  • Selected fields of geo-data analysis
  • Sensor technologies
Vortrag Wienstrom: „WEP – wirtschaftlicher Katalysator für  universelle Positionsbestimmung?“ DI Dr. Heinz Stanek

Vienna University of Technology

On account of great demand in the fields of studies of “Electrical Engineering” and “Surveying Technologies” with their complex mathematical and technical challenges, Dr. Stanek was employed as research assistant at the Institute of Surveying during his studies. Upon the restructuring of the courses on “Adjustment Theory I and II,” and the introduction of a lecture series on “Data Quality in Geographical Information Systems,” Dr. Stanek was able to lastingly shape courses for several year-groups of students on a high level of quality. The relevant University Boards, too, acclaimed his university activities as highly successful. Dr. Stanek was already definitive university assistant, which was followed by his definitive appointment as Assistant Professor. However, Dr. Stanek came to see better opportunities of creative development in private business and thus left his university career to switch to the industries. Nevertheless, he continued to be active in teaching, research and training young people up to the present day in his capacity as lecturer at the Carinthia University of Applied Sciences. He considers a practical orientation of students and the interaction of scientific research and day-to-day business practice as particularly important. One example to this effect is “ANAG.” In operation since 1989, ANAG is a standard adjustment calculation programme developed by Dr. Stanek during his university career. It has been successfully put to operational practice over more than 20 years. The programme was also applied for administrative purposes, e.g. by the Federal Office for Metrology and Surveying, to mention one example.

Dr. Heinz Stanek: Zusammenarbeit  Yildiz University – Istanbul/Türkei Dr. Heinz Stanek – Promotion: Univ. Prof. Hans Schmid. Univ. Prof. Karl Kraus, Univ. Prof. Heribert Kahmen, Prof. Erich Korschineck, Dr. Heinz Stanek – alle Technische Universität Wien