Industrial Testing
New mobile sensor systems
Measurement vehicle 4061.13 - innovative mobile sensor-based platforms for various different control, inspection and measurement activities
Test runs of mobile sensor-based platform in measurement vehicle 4061.13
Installation of the complex systems
Test runs
Abu Dhabi
“Management of Innovation based on Fairy Tales, Visions and Realization”
Innovation – Talk: Enquete – Zukunft Mobilität
Innovation – Talk: Univ. Prof. DDr. Johannes C. Huber – „Innovationen im Medizinbereich“
Innovation – Talk: Univ. Prof. Dr. Werner Ploberger
„Ausbildungsmöglichkeiten in den USA?“
ZUKUNFT: STADTENTWICKLUNG: MEP Evelyne Gebhardt /EU – Parlament und Klubobmann GR DI Rudolf Schicker/Stadt Wien
Innovation – Talk:
Dr. Dieter Zahradnik / IAEA
„AKW Fukushima - A Nuclear Accident:
Fakten und Folgen“ und „5 Jahre Erlebnis Japan – Guglhupf meets Sushi”
Innovation – Talk:
Mag. Peter Tomanek – Raiffeisen
„Der Kosovo-Pulverfass am Balkan?“