Dr. Heinz Stanek: 25 Years of Successful Innovation
- Infrastructure: railway, road, aviation, airports, infrastructure corridors
- Construction engineering: road, tunnelling, frontage, structural engineering, power plants, line construction, solar systems, archaeological projects, river control and regulation, hydrographic engineering – flood prevention, 3-D city modelling
- Processing of digital images: Dr. Stanek Austria’s first privately managed digital photogrammetric environment. At a very early stage, he developed new methods and algorithm for contents analysis and image processing.
- Laser scanning: Airborne laser scanning and terrestrial laser scanning: At times, up to 80% of the Austrian market was covered by early and leading developments of particularly innovative and customer-friendly solutions by Dr. Stanek.
- Development of project-specific EDP-solutions to create an efficient USP for customers.
- The “ANAG – Analysis Adjustment in the Interpretation of Geodetic Networks” programme demonstrates the significance of Dr. Stanek’s EDP programmes. Dr. Stanek developed the The “ANAG” programme and its specific algorithms in 1988 in the course of his doctoral thesis at the Vienna University of Technology. For more than 20 years, the programme was used by private businesses and the public sector, thus becoming what can be called an authentic “data processing methuselah”.
- Construction of innovative technical equipment for competitive advantage
- Successful linking of science, scientific expertise and entrepreneurial projects for scientific advantage and follow-up projects
- Sensor technology: adjustment of systems for BEWAG geo-service helicopter use for airborne laser scanning
- 3 D–systems: early recognition and the business opportunities thus entailed
- Visualising: early graphic visualisation of innovations and focusses foster the acceptance of projects on the part of contracting entities and stakeholders.
- Geographic Information Systems (GIS): GIS systems link data flows
- Modelling and control surveys for quality assurance
- Use of latest information systems and technologies guarantee project success